Latin America Shared Services Survey Report

A Deeper Exploration of Shared Services in Latin America

Latin America has become a premier destination for Shared Services, with operations graduating from purely transactional models, into a broad range of higher value-add services. Nearshoring is growing, and hybrid captive-outsourcing models are emerging as a response to both center maturity and regional complexity.

Despite all of this activity, information specific to the region is scarce. Most relevant studies cover the more generic global, landscape, lacking focus and depth as to what is truly going on in Latin America.

This study is our attempt to narrow this information gap by embarking on a deeper exploration of shared services in Latin America and providing some actionable insights.

Topics Covered:

  • What does a typical SSC in Latin America look like (e.g. size, maturity, languages, etc.)?
  • What geographies are they covering?
  • Functions and processes supported
  • Main results achieved in terms of labor cost savings and productivity improvements
  • Top drivers to implement shared services and level of satisfaction
  • How much are they outsourcing and planning to outsource in the future?
  • Adoption of Technology
  • Key challenges & concerns
  • Expansion plans