
Finance Benchmarks: Prophecy or Pretense?

A Detailed Approach to Using Benchmark Data to Optimize Your Finance & Accounting Organization

Benchmarks can help you identify areas of opportunity to restructure your F&A organization, reduce staff, automate, and revise focus, all part of the post-pandemic “marching orders” for Finance executives.

But are all benchmarks created equal? Do general industry benchmarks reflect the specific characteristics and dynamics of your business?

Download this whitepaper and find a detailed approach to using benchmark data to identify opportunities for improvement in your Finance & Accounting organization.

Topics Covered:

  • What level of benchmarking performance you should target
  • Which benchmarking metrics provide good insights into the Efficiency and Effectiveness of your organization
  • “Real-world” examples of how we have been able to use benchmark data to develop operational strategies for performance and cost improvement for our clients

Benchmarks Whitepaper